Mother's day just came and went.. another one. My lovely 13 year old had to be reminded to tell me happy mother's day (by me!!). Nice.
He informed me last week that he wanted to try living with his dad. Oh the tears I cried. I truly understand his point of view, his reasons. But still, it hurts, he's my baby.. the only one I have or ever will have.. and he is SUCH a momma's I'm trying to convince myself that this is all OK. He's going to Dad's for the summer for a "test-run" before the school year starts. That's great. Everybody agrees on everything...I don't think that EVER happened, not even when we were
Mostly, I think my biggest problem stems from my extremely fucked up dysfunctional mother & sisters... my brother is the only sane one... I know they will judge and tell me what a HUGE mistake this it.. yada yada yada....Because, you know, they are older and wiser.. WHATEVER. they are not that damn smart.. and its my life, my son's life... not theirs. But judgment hurts, especially when it happens to come from those who shouldn't judge you - your own family. Did I mention they are completely crazy... like way the fuck out there crazy???? ok, they are.. and i'm the baby... so, of course, they NEVER EVER EVER listen to anything I have to say like a rational person should. so they will judge... and not think twice about it.
So today, its heartache, agony and the ulcer from dealing with this shit for the past two weeks. Granted, a summer break from parental responsibilities? THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL..
Peace Love Happiness & All that other crazy shit...
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5 years ago