I cannot tell a lie... Boss 2 (I'll explain later), yes it is me.. LOL.
I work for a law firm, a small one, but good. Boss 1 is the original boss. Boss 2 is our "new" addition who isn't so "new" anymore. After this, I'll have to watch what I say, because as pointed out earlier, Boss 2 already suspects me. It must have been my name.. as I believe sometimes she is well aware that I am her psycho secretary. But that's ok.
Both Boss 1 and Boss 2 are good people, great attorneys, and even better bosses. I have learned all of this once again this week.
Being that its Wednesday, normally my second most hated day of the week, I'm feeling that I'm in a pretty good mood right now. Its kind of scary. But that's ok. Sometimes I like being scary. I cannot actually say why I dislike Wednesdays so much. I think its because the whole day just points out you are only half way there. I like Thursdays, because that means the week is almost done.
This week has been rough, mistakes made, meltdowns had, plus all of the normal day-to-day activities often associated with the legal world. Perhaps because it has been such a rough week, that is why this Wednesday doesn't seem so bad. Monday was the icing on the "oh-shit-this sucks-day-from-hell" cake of life. After that, Wednesday looks good.
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5 years ago
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