Ok. So its been a very long time since I posted. Sorry, I'm a slacker and that's my only excuse.
I made it through my Indiana weekend with friends. I survived..and it actually went better than I had originally expected.
Since then, I've been dealing with the constant chaos that is my life..
Work. Basically, good. I got to move UPSTAIRS, with boss #2, so that is awesome. Liking things much better from the second floor.
As you may have already read, I work for lawyers...well, I have recently been amazed at how ASSHOLE LIKE some of them can be... at a recent swearing in moment, one just totally dissed one of them i work for... and i was appalled, offended and mostly PISSED. boss #1 is a great man. honestly. he's just good people, i tell ya... and of course, he blew it off as "it wasn't intentional". my ass. everything is intentional. but that just proved to me again, boss #1 - good people.
Home. Well, let's see. Basically, good. EXCEPT. Dealing with asshole ex-husband's, baby's daddy's, or as I like to refer to him - DICKHEAD. He no longer has a name, i simply refer to him as dickhead.. i'm fun like that. our divorce was a joke.. and working in the legal field, i should've known better, but oh well. now, he thinks he going to get all pushy about visitation and such. NOT happening. Top it off, the kid really can't stand him. oh, i try to be good and encourage kid to maintain relationship with pops....but i could care less. dickhead is an alcoholic (claims he is sober), an asshole and a control freak...why would i really want my child subjected to that..but it is his kid too... so i try to be agreeable in some regard. ok. so that's that. for now...
the kid did come home pretty excited last week though. nice for a change. seems he wants to participate in track this season. i say "YAY". maybe he'll make some decent friends. and he's excited. that just doesn't happen often enough anymore. granted, he's almost 14 years and he's moody and irritable and evil. but every now and then, my baby peeks his head out and reminds me he is there, under that hormonal evil child..lol.. i love him, i've made mistakes, but i've done everything i could for him... and will continue to do so...evil or not.
Love. Is great. End of that discussion.
So today, I have basically done nothing but bitch, but oh... I feel sooo much better. I continue to read you all.. You are all great.. gives me a laugh or a cry every day. Thanks!
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5 years ago
Track is such a great activity! I hope he does decide to do it.