Thursday, January 22, 2009

My issue today...

I'm supposed to be going out of state for the weekend, to visit old friends and celebrate a birthday (not mine). One would think this sounds great, no guys, no kids, just old friends drinking too much. Only problem, I drank alot when I lived there and could outlast most. That's been over a year ago.. I've pretty much slowed the drinking down to a drink here and there. I've tried to convey my concern of "wussing out" before the rest of the crowd does, but everyone's response.. "oh you'll be fine". Bullshit. I will not be fine. Sure, I'll last a while, but i'm not the friggin energizer bunny and i can't just keep going..going..going.. anymore..

So because of this dilemma, i'm a nervous wreck about going back. And add to that the fact that i haven't been there for well over 6 months. People change, and I damn well know I have. What if..what if..what if.. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO TURN OFF THE "WHAT-IF" BUTTON?

I am looking forward to it in a small way. Not like I used to though. So, this one has me wondering...will i make it through the weekend with the old crowd? Ahh.shit. I'll report with the outcome on Monday.

On the lighter side, work was way better yesterday. And hopefully today will go as well. Although I am quite tired already, slept on an air-mattress because the man thought he needed to paint the bedroom yesterday, instead of waiting to do it when I'm gone. So not fair. He wanted me to share in the joy. Men can be asses.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Truths and its Wednesday

I cannot tell a lie... Boss 2 (I'll explain later), yes it is me.. LOL.

I work for a law firm, a small one, but good. Boss 1 is the original boss. Boss 2 is our "new" addition who isn't so "new" anymore. After this, I'll have to watch what I say, because as pointed out earlier, Boss 2 already suspects me. It must have been my name.. as I believe sometimes she is well aware that I am her psycho secretary. But that's ok.

Both Boss 1 and Boss 2 are good people, great attorneys, and even better bosses. I have learned all of this once again this week.

Being that its Wednesday, normally my second most hated day of the week, I'm feeling that I'm in a pretty good mood right now. Its kind of scary. But that's ok. Sometimes I like being scary. I cannot actually say why I dislike Wednesdays so much. I think its because the whole day just points out you are only half way there. I like Thursdays, because that means the week is almost done.

This week has been rough, mistakes made, meltdowns had, plus all of the normal day-to-day activities often associated with the legal world. Perhaps because it has been such a rough week, that is why this Wednesday doesn't seem so bad. Monday was the icing on the "oh-shit-this sucks-day-from-hell" cake of life. After that, Wednesday looks good.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ahh. I am here...

Hello fellow people. I would say the name "Psycho Secretary" does me no justice. It is, instead, a rather small peephole into what I really am. I am a caring person, a loyal worker, a confused mother and so much more.

I decided to try my hand at this blogging thing after reading some of yours. I have been following many of you without "technically" following you. Actually, just reading you when I had a chance, and some lead to others. I'm not good, and I don't claim to be. I will only amuse when its amusing, i'll only write what I feel, see or do.. or want to feel, see or do...

So until I have more time. Have a lovely day.